1 Ad = House Hold Name

This marketing story is CRAZY

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SEO - Last week, I interviewed David from SaaSPad.co about whatā€™s changed in the world of SEO and the strategies heā€™s finding crazy success with this summer! Bookmark it on Spotify, Apple, or YouTube to listen to this week!

(*the message above is an ad, get yours here)

šŸš€ This Week's Growth Hack:

1 Ad = Household Name

This week, I want to dive into a marketing masterstroke that skyrocketed an unknown designer to fashion stardom, basically overnight. If you've been looking for a bold, truly catapulting idea, this story is all the inspo you need.

Meet Tommy Hilfiger and the marketing genius behind his rise, George Lois. In 1985, Hilfiger was a nobody in the fashion industry. Determined to make his mark quickly, he sought out Lois for help. Lois, known for his audacious advertising strategies, proposed a daring idea: compare Hilfiger, an unknown, to the titans of American fashionā€”Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Perry Ellis.

Tommy was initially horrified by the idea. "I can't do that; it'll sound like I'm bragging. Those are the gods," he said. But Lois persisted, explaining that a traditional, conservative approach would require millions of dollars and years of effort. Instead, he proposed something outrageousā€”a bold ad in Times Square, New York.

Despite his reservations, Hilfiger went along with the plan. The ad was audacious, provoking immediate and widespread attention. "Who does Tommy Hilfiger think he is? Comparing himself to Ralph, Perry, and Calvin?" was the common reaction. The stunt stirred the fashion world, making Hilfiger's name known almost overnight.

Despite his reservations, Hilfiger went along with the plan. The ad was audacious, provoking immediate and widespread attention. "Who does Tommy Hilfiger think he is? Comparing himself to Ralph, Perry, and Calvin?" was the common reaction. The stunt stirred the fashion world, making Hilfiger's name known almost overnight.

The impact was immediate. Tommy made his first guest appearance on the Johnny Carson show just a week later!!! While he initially felt embarrassed and apologetic, the ad had set a high expectation. To meet it, he worked harder than ever, rapidly establishing himself as a world-renowned designer. Today the brand is valued at over $1b and Tommy himself is worth over $400m+. Would that ever happen if that ad never ran in magazines or billboards? Idk!

How You Can Apply This Strategy:

  1. Be Bold:

    • E-commerce Brand: Launch a controversial product design or campaign that challenges industry norms. For example, if you sell eco-friendly products, create an ad campaign that boldly calls out the wastefulness of major competitors. Use striking visuals and a compelling narrative to grab attention.

    • Marketing Agency: Develop a case study comparing your results directly with those of top competitors, highlighting your unique strengths. Like ā€œwhat that agency did in a year, we did in 3 months for this brandā€ ā€¦ Create a bold, attention-grabbing ad campaign that showcases these comparisons, and use it in targeted digital ads and on your website.

  2. Leverage Attention:

    • E-commerce Brand: Itā€™s never about the asset, itā€™s always about what you can do with that asset! One of my friends paid a plane to spell out ā€œ(competitor) sucks - (his brand)ā€ in the sky over Coachella music festival. Best case, that paint in the sky would have been seen by 100,00 festival goers. But he immediately had friends take pictures of it from the ground and send it to a list of reporters. Business insider and ABC news had articles lie within a few hours. Better yet? He posted the picture to his brandā€™s twitter account which delivered over a million eyeballs on it. Itā€™s never about the asset, itā€™s always about what you can do with that asset!

    • Marketing Agency: I did this for my agency! In 2018 I learned one of our competitors was spending a lot on Facebook ads to try and get clients. So I looked and saw 3,000 people were googling their agency name every month. That afternoon I launched a Google Ads campaigns that said ā€œ(their agency name) = expensive | (my agency name) = 4x ROIā€ and started generated leads at a $50 cost per booked call. I leveraged the industry incumbantsā€™ attention, for my own.

  3. Challenge Norms:

    • E-commerce Brand: Regularly introduce products or marketing campaigns that push the boundaries of your industry. For instance, if you sell tech gadgets, release a series of limited-edition, unconventional socks that appeal to trendsetters and influencers.

    • Marketing Agency: Propose unconventional strategies to your clients that challenge industry norms. For example, suggest a guerrilla marketing campaign or a viral social media stunt that you can use in your Facebook ads for the client, sets your client apart from their competitors. Document the process and results to attract new clients who are looking for innovative approaches.

By embracing bold strategies, leveraging the resulting attention, and continually challenging industry norms, you can replicate the success of Tommy Hilfiger's rise to fame, in your own business!

How will you use this growth hack to elevate your brand this week?

*Original source here

šŸ’• Whenever you are ready

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  1. ā€‹Generate leads & customers by getting your brand in front of my 200,000+ followers & newsletter subscribers here

  2. Want to find the best marketing agency for your brand and budget, in 60 seconds? Look no further than my new site agencyreviews.io 

  3. Are you an agency owner looking for more clients? See if you are a fit to get leads via a Verified Listing on AgencyReviews.io here ā†’

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