You Just Uncovered Hidden Marketing Gold

Read Time: 2 minutes

I recently gave a shot to OneLittleWeb's Content-Led Digital PR strategy and am delighted with the initial results. As the campaign continues, I am excited to share how it’s going for Agency Reviews right now.

Within weeks of publishing this data-driven content on AngecyReviews– they earned us 14+ backlinks from big names, including-

  • Business Insider

  • Investor Place

  • Yahoo Finance

  • Visual Capitalist and more..!

If you want to get on Google's good book with increased authority, I can’t recommend them enough for their proven strategy that brings the world’s best backlinks alongside such awesome content!

🛠 3 Things To Check Out

1️⃣ - FARFETCH saves 42,000 work hours yearly using! Boost your team's productivity with an exclusive 30-day trial of 🚀 

2️⃣ - I personally guarantee you will learn more from my upcoming Growth Hacking Summit on February 29th in NYC, than you will from any other event or training this year, or your money back! Earlybirds get 50% with code "50OFF" here

🌟 Bonus - Last week I met with about a dozen of you to learn about your business & make an introduction to the best possible marketing agency for your needs & goals Want me to tap into my network & help you find your Perfect Agency 100% for free? Start here

*(everything above is a via partnership, click here to get yours)

🚀 This is week’s growth hack: Uncovering Hidden Marketing Gold

My buddy runs a 7-figure a year coaching business and asked me to lunch two weeks ago to advise him on his marketing & sales funnel for 2024. Here’s the transcript of what went down:

Friend: So last year, I’ve closed 12 new clients on average every single month and this year I wanna do 15 consistently every month, how do I do that?

Max: So a modest 25% increase?

Friend: Yup!

Max: How many sales calls are you taking on average per month to close 12 new clients?

Friend: About 60 sales calls a month with qualified potential clients

Max: 60?!?!? And you’re only closing 12?!

Friend: Yea, is that bad?

Max: A 20% close rate from the Founder taking the calls is def not great … What’s the #1 reason people don’t close?

Friend: Almost always timing… they say they want to make another hire before they sign on for my coaching program or want more cashflow or something like that

Max: So sales 101 teaches us that when people say timing, not always, but most of the time, it’s because they haven’t been compelled enough to purchase right now… so can we agree “timing” is just a catch-all for BS?

Friend: Sure, I guess

Max: What happens at the end of these calls?

Friend: I schedule a follow-up for when they say timing will likely be better

Max: Then what happens?

Friend: They either don’t show up to the next call or they get on, say they are going to pay, and rarely do. I currently have 20 people in the last 30 to 45 days who all gave me verbal yes commitments but haven’t actually paid yet…

Max: Did you ask them for their credit card details on the call to check them out right there? And set next steps together right there?

Friend: No…

Max: Alright well let’s def get in the habit of that… but let me ask another question… how many case studies or testimonials do you have?

Friend: I’ve worked with 800+ clients and have at least 300 five-star testimonials having done this for the last 4 years.

Max: And this whole year you have gotten on the phone with 60 qualified potential clients every month on average, closed 12 of them every month on average, so that’s 50 potential clients you haven’t closed every month aka about 500 for the year?

Friend: Yea I guess

Max: Ok what I want you to do is email all 500 of those people every single Monday afternoon with a different detailed testimonial with the subject line “how Suzy accomplished X” and then in the body of the email say Suzy worked with me because she was struggling with Y so we did A and B and C together and she accomplished X”

Friend: Woa

Max: Every. Single. Monday. To those 500 prospects… then put a button at the bottom that says if you want similar results, tap here and here’s how we derisk it for you… you have 300 testimonials right?

Friend: Yea

Max: That’s 5 years worth of Monday case study emails… and every week you add the people who didn’t close to that list… and take off the people who did close

Friend: That’s genius!

Now fast forward to today…

RESULTS: He’s sent out two of these emails so far, the first one he closed 4 new clients from and the second he booked 9 calls (I’m waiting on closing details) from. Every single one is a person he took a call with in the past 4 years but never closed !!!

He still needs to fix his actual sales call process because 20% is way too low but it just goes to show you:

The power of constantly reminding anyone who has ever heard of you or considering purchasing from you (or your email list if you are not in a space that collects leads) just how valuable your product or service is through proof and storytelling is hidden marketing gold you’re just sitting on. It’s one of the fastest ways to increase revenue in the game.

How are you going to use this week’s Growth Hack to get more calls or customers this week? Respond and let me know 🙂 

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💕 Whenever You Are Ready 💕

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  1. Listen To My New Podcast - My podcast takes you behind the scenes of some of the fastest-growing startups in the game today! Check out all episodes & subscribe here

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That’s it for this week!

Talk soon,
Marketing Max
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Thanks for being a part of my journey :)

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