For The Week Of Nov. 20th

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Everyone should open this because the Growth Hack Of The Week is something every brand will get value from… not just e-commerce brands!

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🛠 4 Things Worth Checking Out

1️⃣ - SEO - Positional’s Content Analytics tool is your Sherlock for SEO, boosting conversions, SEO and content. Join Positional’s private beta for discounted pricing, unlimited access, and more here!

2️⃣ - LEADS - Turn anonymous site visitors into valuable leads with Smart Recognition. Their AI filters lead matches by intent so you only message people most likely to respond. Book a quick demo here!

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4️⃣ - UGC - Craving killer UGC ads without the hassle of an agency? Sleepless is your shortcut! Sleepless is a bandwidth expander for creative teams. Unlock 300K+ clips for performance creatives here. 🚀

🎉 My Birthday - Since I’ll be in NYC for my birthday, I’m throwing my first ever EPIC GROWTH HACKING SUMMIT and birthday party for myself. I’m bringing together some of the best Growth Hackers in the game to give you their secret Growth Hacks. Use code “50OFF” for 50% off tickets here

*(everything above is a via partnership, click here to get yours)

🚀 This Week’s Growth Hack: Max’s 4 Not-So-Secret BFCM Playbook

The subject line is provocative on purpose! Why? Because you don’t have to be an e-commerce brand to capitalize on this week’s magic! My examples below work for everyone in every industry… Particularly if you are not an e-commerce brand, the first Growth Hack below is sure to help you!

Given that Black Friday is officially 5 days away, I know most of you either feel super prepared or not prepared at all so here’s my list of 4 last-minute BFCM Hacks to squeeze as much money out of next weekend as possible:

  1. Listen Up - My favorite hack! You don’t have to sell a physical product via an e-commerce store to capitalize on the business magic of Black Friday. When I ran my agency I would send out an email on the Monday before Thanksgiving saying:

    “While everyone is trying to convince you to spend money this week, I wanna put money in your pocket! Refer one client by the end of the month and I’ll 2X our normal referral commission to you. Does your uncle run a solar panel installation business? Tell him at Thanksgiving dinner how much success we have had for you and what kind of results we could get for him. Your Cousin has a startup and needs help figuring out her ads strategy? Make the intro! Let me put money in your pocket instead of asking you for something.

  2. AB Test - I have said it many times before and I will say it many times again… AB testing your landing page is the fastest way to increase your revenue! But in particular, Ab testing during BFCM can have MONSTER ROI for your business. Here’s how you can do it:

    Create 4 landing page variants (I prefer Unbounce but e-commerce brands can use Intellimize) … change the tagline of your main landing page and then check the result at noon Friday (or Saturday morning if your sale runs all weekend), then switch to the #1 performing page variant that leads to the most sales. Boom! You just increased your BFCM revenue with less than an hour of work and $100 in total investment.


    🌟 Bonus - Speaking of Black Friday… I’m offering a lifetime deal to the searchable library of all Growth Hacks ever shared in this newsletter (and a bunch more valuable marketing trainings inside Growth Hacks University) here


  3. Conquesting - If you have a massive competitor where you anticipate lots of people googling “(competitor name) sale” then you might want to bid on that google ads keyword and run an ad saying something like “Better than (competitor name) sale” or “Our sales is better” … Drifting behind your competitors is always a great idea, but particularly on BFCM when search traffic is elevated… You’re silly not to!

  4. Over RT - Having spent ten million dollars of other people’s money on BFCM ads specifically, I can’t tell you enough about how many brands underestimate retargeting ads during BFCM. You need to set up a dedicated campaign targeting anyone who has visited your website in the last 180 days (the max Facebook will allow) with big sale ads mentioning copy like “this weekend only” or “finally” … !!! This was always our best-performing audience for our BFCM campaign. We would shift most of our clients’ budget from 80% prospecting (reaching new people) and 20% retargeting (people who recently visited the website) … to the complete opposite! Let email & SMS take care of your VIP buyers… Ads should push everyone who has never purchased from you, to finally pull the trigger.

Which one are you going to use or draw inspo from for this weekend’s money grab? Hit that reply button and let me know!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family ❤️ 

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💕 Whenever You Are Ready 💕

Here are 3 ways I can help you:​

  1. Listen To My New Podcast - My podcast takes you behind the scenes of some of the fastest-growing startups in the game today! Check out all episodes & subscribe here

  2. Access 70+ Growth Hacks - I have been sending out one epic Growth Hack every single Sunday since launching this newsletter in March of 2022. But, if you subscribed recently, you missed the last 70+ Growth Hacks! I put them all inside Growth Hacks University alongside my flagship course Growth Marketing 101 and a bunch of other growth marketing resources! Start your 5-day free trial here!

  3. Get In Front Of My Audience - With more than 85,000+ newsletter subscribers, 75k+ Tik Tok followers, & 40k+ Twitter followers, my team & I work with dozens of partners in unique ways to help them grow! Interested in a partnership, tap here.

That’s it for this week!

Talk soon,
Marketing Max
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Thanks for being a part of my journey :)

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